Council Members

01795 668509

Paula Telford – Deputy Mayor of Queenborough 2024/2025

Deputy Mayor of Queenborough 2024/2025, Councillor for Queenborough Ward

Paula Telford was elected May 2023 in the town elections to the Queenborough Ward

Paula Telford was elected May 2019 in the town elections to the Queenborough Ward

Working Parties: Chairperson of the Queenborough & Rushenden In Bloom Committee 2022/2023/2024

Member of the Christmas Lights and Annual Event Committee,

Chairperson of the Allotment Committee 2021/2022/2023/2024

Committees: Environment Committee, Finance & General Purposes Committee.

Deputy Mayor of Queenborough 2024/2025 


Member's Register of Interests

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