
How do public members make a representation to the Swale Borough Council local plan 2021 ?

How do public members make a representation to the Swale Borough Council local plan?


You must make your representations in writing to Swale Borough Council

Swale Borough Council are encouraging people to do this online using the Swale Borough Council consultation portal.

To do this you will need to access the portal website

and once you have completed a short registration process (if you have not previously registered) you will be able to make your comments.

If you have any difficulties in registering on the consultation portal or submitting your comments through the portal, officers in the Planning Policy team at Swale Borough Council will be able to help. They can be contacted on 01795 417014 or you can email

Please note the consultation period has been running since Monday 8 February and ends on Friday 30 April 2021 where all representations must be made by 5pm on Friday 30 April 2021.

Although Swale Borough Council would like you to respond via the consultation portal as this makes it easier and more efficient to manage the representations made.  However, if you do not want to register on the portal, representations can also be made using the electronic representation form provided by Swale Borough Council. You can download this from their website.

If you do not have access to a computer, a paper response form can be completed and returned to Swale Borough Council.  Paper copies of the representation form are available on request from the Swale Borough Council Planning Policy team by calling 01795 417352.

Swale Borough Council will also accept letters and emails; however, these must make clear which policy or part of the plan you are referring to, otherwise your comments might be misinterpreted.

Further information can be found on the Swale Borough Council website.